
“Where ever you go, there you are.”  This page is really about aspects of me.  I’ll start with the general topic of positivity.  Here’s a page with some tips that I’ve been using to stay positive throughout my day.

by Shawn Achor

Also, here’s a book that I have read recently. It’s called, “The Orange Frog. A Parable based on Positive Psychology.”

It’s quite a simple read, but I’ve enjoyed both the parable and the Post Script. You can check it out, on Amazon.

On Spirit

Spirituality of any kind is a tricky topic, particularly on the web.  It can be a magnet for others to get… well, testy.  I know that won’t happen here.  🙂

My goal is to put forth things that appeal to me.  That’s all.  No judgement and no pushing ideas on anyone.  With that, on we go.

On Judgement